Apulia Europe Garden Club Eco & Sport Resort - Mobil Home ONE ROOM

Prefabricated (28 sq.m., with fitted covered veranda), double bedroom single bedroom with two low beds, 5th bed in the living room, living room with small fitted kitchenette, indoor bathroom with shower, SAT-TV and hairdryer.

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Apulia Europe Garden Club Eco & Sport Resort
Contrada Vallescura - 64028 - Silvi (TE) - Abruzzo - Italy
Tel. +39 085 7991819
WhatsApp: +39 376 00 38 146
P.IVA 00429770688
CIR: 067040CAM0003
TUV   Legambiente   Torre del Cerrano
Italia   Abruzzo   Bandiera Blu   WI-FI
Web site: www.europegarden.it - e-mail: bookinsilvig@apuliahotel.it
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